Teaching · Weekly Update

Knitting = Life Long Skills

Lately I have been hearing grumblings about group classes being too expensive and never at the right time. As a teacher I cringe when I hear this type of talk. Most would agree that if you value your skills and want them to improve, then you practice. This is true whether learning piano or knitting! It is even true if you are learning to crochet, weave, spin, rug hook…I think you get the idea!

So, why should we not be willing to pay Fiber Arts teachers to help us improve our skills? These instructors take time out of their busy lives to share a gift with you. A gift that usually has a ripple effect, because let’s face it, there is a point when there are too many scarves and mittens per person in a household, and some need to be created as gifts. Many teachers bring a wealth of information to the table and share their successes and failures so that you can learn. And let’s agree, this is not the type of career where one normally quits their day job.

I know the economy is not great but, I also know that if you value something then you will find the time and money. Usually this means rearranging a budget. Many fiber arts teachers start by just trying to support their yarny habits and in turn extend their learning. Learning which they bring back to you via the Local Yarn Store!

Let’s not forget the Local Yarn Store – they have operating costs just like any other business. Each time you use the lights, make a credit card payment, or even use the powder room the LYS are having to pay for electricity, water, and fees, etc. Just for the convenience of the beloved fiber artist who wants to make a baby blanket or prayer shawl.

So, next time you are on the fence about taking a class please take the plunge!

The Redding Method img_1744 img_2736 img_2690


Put a Brick on Your Wall of Knitting

I enjoy using the Brickless Shawl pattern by Martina Behm as a good stepping stone to learning lace. This asymmetrical shawl is stunning when combined with the right fibers while only inputting a small amount of work.

Brickless using Follow the Sheepwalk in Anemone
Brickless knit in The Sheepwalk – Anemone Colorway 

I will be teaching this as a two part class at Suzoo’s Wool Works in Bandera, TX. Even intermediate and advanced knitters will enjoy this class because when I teach extras, tips, tricks, and surprises are included. Plus, we always have a good time!

Class I – Saturday, June 2, 2018

Class II – Saturday, June 23, 2018

Both classes are from 10-1 and it is $40 tuition for the class.

The pattern can be purchased from Ravelry.

Recommended Yarn: The Sheepwalk 6/2 Superwash Merino (Fingering – 600 yards) – any color, as they are all beautiful with GREAT stitch definition!

Needle: US 6 – 24″ or 32″ based on above yarn.

Please stop by the store or call to sign-up!  Sign-ups allow for me to make sure I have enough surprises!  As always, if you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Homeschool Creations · Teaching

Wednesday’s Nature Weaving = Success!

Here are some pictures of the nature weaving that we completed yesterday at Suzoo’s Wool Works in Bandera, TX!

Finished Nature Weaving Projects

The boys had fun and they practiced their knots – a lot of knots!  We also made drop spindles and practiced with “practice spinners” while theirs dried.

Practice Spinners
Practice spinners are used to give the idea of spinning and teach the concepts of mechanical energy and twist. It is good to let kids play with the fiber and not have to worry about a finished product!

At the end of class we made a wet felted canvas that will be used for wool painting next week.



Project Instruction · Teaching

Nature Weaving

Well, I finally tried nature weaving!  It was fun and easy and is a good project for kids.  It is very good to combine a nature walk and plant identification with the basics of weaving. Supplies? You ask.  Not many!  Nature pieces, scissors, cotton crochet thread or yarn, and sticks.


Nature Weaving Supplies
Supplies: Bits of nature, sticks, yarn, scissors

I tied the sticks together with the crochet thread and then put the warp on the sticks.  (The plants act as the weft.)  The most difficult part was keeping the tension as the sticks wanted to slid up and down a little bit.  Once done, add nature! (My boys collected the “nature” and we discussed the plants as they brought them to me!) * Be very careful if you let children out to collect that they know what is poisonous and harmful if touched or cut! Such as poison ivy, etc!

Little Bits of Nature

You can add a hanger on the back by attaching another piece of crochet thread in which ever direction you like.  The “frame” can be used multiple times!

Viola, unique wall hanging!

Hanging Done

Knitting Community


What fun!  I recently participated in a Mystery Knit Along and Walk Along via Ravelry – it was hosted by The Healthy Knitter.  This was for the month of April – one clue came out each week and was a surprise but each clue contributed to the theme.  On top of the clues a daily email was sent with encouragement, inspiration, or items to look for while you walked.

Not only were you knitting, which I love, but it also provided a community and accountability for your “Walking Contract.”  The Healthy Knitter acted as a type of life-coach and provided a template contract so you could decide your walking goals and identify what would be the barriers to those goals.  I chose to walk 15 minutes each day for the month and my barriers were the weather and finishing this house!  And solutions were identified to help overcome the barriers.

Now, I am sure you are wondering the meaning of the title she chose!  Coddiwomplev. to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination.

I actually finished the knitting on time and enjoyed the repetition of the clues.  Well, I still need to block, but that is for tomorrow!   Thank you The Healthy Knitter for hosting!!

A couple of close-up teasers:


An Arugment to Not Knit Faster

Lately, I have seen a trend of posts and articles about why I should learn to knit faster.  By telling us knitters that we must knit faster, the implication is that we do not knit fast enough!  Let me expand on this idea.

For many, knitting (and crafting in general), is about the process: picking the perfect pattern, finding just the right yarn, picking up needles that are old friends, and putting hours of love in the form of knits and purls into a project!  So, why must we knit faster?  Can’t we just enjoy the process and use the soothing repetition for our meditation?  Take time to enjoy your skills and teach others.  Progress for the sake of progress is not good and faster for the sake of faster is also not good.

“Slow down, you will get a more harmonious outcome!” – Crossfire Trail (Movie)

Just some food for thought!  Happy Knitting!